Mr Robot - Season 1 Episode 2 - All Hacks Explained

Mr Robot - Season 1 Episode 2 - All Hacks Explained

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Hacking Tyrell Wellick

Now here elliot mentions about shellshock vulnerability Lets talk about shellshock vulnerability a bit so that we can understand the hack more accurately. Bash a command interpreter and also a programming lanuguage In here if we want to create a file we use cat filename.txt If we want to change a file location we use mv file1.txt file2..txt Basically bash is a way of communicating with the computer. So by using bash we can write programms,we can use variables to assign values etc.If you are using a particualar string multiple times then you can make it easier for you by assigning the particular string to a variable (x), like this. so in future if you want to access that particular string now you can use x . Why am i telling all these. Cause here is the part where shellshock vulnerability was found. Now from the above example if we add this small string to it within the quotes . It is no longer a string it acts like a command. For example if a web server is vulnerable to shellshock if we add this little peice of magic string and a command next to it , it now looks like a string but it acts as a command and makes Bash to execute arbitrary commands and gain unauthorized access. Now if we pay attention to elliots terminal as elliot mentioned elliot is using the shellshock vulnerability to gain access to tyrell's mail id and password . And elliot also mentions that tyrell didn't use 2 step verification. Here i want to mention that a strong password and 2 step verification are the least and the greatest things that we can do to be protected from being hacked. if you haven't watched the part 1 of the video

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