A programmer makes programs to run the applications.
A hacker makes program to bypass these programs.
A programmer brings new features to the application
A hacker tests and breaks into those featurees by an uneven way.
A programmer don't need to research about their things
A hacker is a damn researcher. He need to know all the working behind.
A programmer is paid to make the system and applications.
A hacker is paid to break the system and applications.
A programmer don't have any dark side.
A hacker can be a white hat / black hat. MAny hackers do illegal things with their skills for money.
A programmer is not creative enough to be considered hacker.
All hackers are programmers.
Hacking is one of the foremost untrusted fields to work in. If you wish to become a hacker, you should have a curiosity of studying and adapt new skills. To become a hacker, the needs are to have the deepest knowledge of all of the operating systems available.
Almost everybody thinks that hackers are criminals and often do illegal activities however they are wrong. Many companies hire hackers to protect their systems and information and are extremely paid. Which means a hacker can even hack all of the systems legally for which they get paid.
Let's look at attitude to be maintained and skills to acuire -
The Hacker Attitude
1. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.
2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice.
3. Boredom and drudgery are evil.
4. Freedom is good.
5. Attitude is no substitute for competence.
Learn LINUX/ UNIX which is an open source operating system that gives better security to computer systems. You should install LINUX freely out there open source versions in your desktops as without learning UNIX/LINUX, it isn’t possible to become a hacker.
Learn Programming as an elite hacker, programming is something you couldn’t neglect. Even though it’s still possible for one to be a hacker without knowing even a bit of programming. It's always better to have some basic understanding of programming languages like C, HTML, PHP, JavsScript and so.. on
NOTE: Basic understanding is enough to be a hacker as he need to research the developed applications by programmer.
Learn Networking Concepts it is important and essential step to becoming a hacker is to be good at networking concepts and understanding how the networks are created. You need to know the variations between different kinds of networks and must have an explicit knowledge of TCP/IP and UDP protocols to exploit vulnerabilities (loopholes) in the system.
Understanding what’s LAN, WAN, VPN, Firewall is also necessary. You must have a clear knowledge and use of network tools such as NMAP for packet analyzing, Wireshark, network scanning, etc.
Learn More Than One Operating Systems is of the primary need to turn into a hacker is to learn at least two operating system. As there are a lot of OS available. Each system has a loophole; a hacker wants it to exploit it. Else you can try these recommended Top 10 OS for Hackers.
Experiment A Lot after learning some concepts, sit and observe them. You need a good computer system to start with as some tools may require the highly powerful processor, RAM, etc. Strive different possible methods some will give the result.
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